The Healing Place - Ionic Foot Bath

Empower. Teach. Heal.

Your Foot, Hand, and Ear Reflexology Pain-Breaking Specialists

Ionic Foot Bath


Ionic Foot BathHealing Place LLC offers ionic foot bath detox therapy as part of its wellness program. Our 30-minute detoxifying foot bath encourages the release of toxins from the body’s fat storage areas.

Your feet have over 15,000 nerve endings and 2,000 sweat glands, making them a natural gateway for disposing of bodily waste products. To help the body detoxify, the ionic detox foot bath therapy is a painless therapy that can revitalize your energy levels while igniting your natural detoxification process. As your body rids itself of toxins, natural healing will take place. You will feel rejuvenated and light after the session.

Our ionic foot bath detox service helps maintain your body’s bio-energy, re-balancing the cells’ equilibrium of positive and negative ions, which aids in dispersing unwanted toxins. A  foot bath can be used in addition to a Reflexology session or as a stand-alone service. One reason to consider both therapies is the complementary benefits; the detoxification process can enhance the effects of reflexology therapy.


How Does an Ionic Foot Bath Work?


 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAAn electrical current passes through a set of plates in a module immersed in tub water, and a unique sea salt with a mineral concentration of ocean water is added to the foot bath water. The foot bath system emits positive and negative ions while the client’s feet are in the water. Ionic foot baths re-energize the body by dislodging fat and toxins from the kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin.

The foot bath also supports the body’s lymphatic system. It continues with detoxification for up to 24 to 48 hours after a session.


Watch our video to learn more:




Ionic Detox Health Benefits Include:

    • Purging of heavy metals
    • A more balanced pH level
    • Reducing inflammation
    • Purging of yeast
    • Detoxifying liver
    • Internal cleansing with full-body purge
    • Liver, kidney, and parasite cleansing
    • Enhancing immune system



    What is a detox foot bath session like?

    During a session, the client sits in a comfortable chair. Most individuals find the experience VERY relaxing, and it is not unusual to fall asleep. Some people may experience a slight tickling or tingling sensation from the module.

    What can I expect after a session?

    Most people will feel relaxed, balanced, and focused, with no pain. Those who suffer from excessive toxicity may experience some discomfort as their bodies release toxins from the tissues for elimination.

    After an Ionic Foot Bath practice

    After an ionic foot bath, clients are encouraged to drink plenty of water to make elimination quicker and more comfortable. Some people may experience fatigue or a low-grade headache after a session. These symptoms are typical due to the detoxifying process.

    How many Detox Foot Baths do I need to maximize the benefits?

    It is suggested to begin with four sessions once a week for four weeks. After the initial sessions, you can space out to a monthly session. Healing Place offers a detox foot bath series package of 10% off.

    How quickly can I expect results for my condition?

    Depending on your condition, lifestyle, and how proactive you are. Many people feel better after 3 or 4 sessions.

    Does a detoxing foot bath draw out my medication?

    Only toxins are released; vitamins, minerals, and medications are not excreted. Please note that the color produced will depend, to a certain extent, on the chemical impurities of the water in the geographic area, what is extracted from the body, and the ionic modular breaking down.

    Who should NOT consider doing a detoxing foot bath?

    The device used is not recommended for persons with  pacemaker or any other battery-operated implant, organ transplant recipients, sufferers of epileptic seizures, diabetics, pregnant or nursing women, those with open wounds, or children under eight years of age.

    Hypoglycemics should eat before using the system. People with high or low blood pressure should take appropriate medications prior to treatment sessions. People with heart conditions should consult their doctor before using the system.

    Got Questions? If you have any questions if this is the right therapy for you, please consult your physician before starting. Please feel free to email  us at [email protected]

    Disclaimer: This detoxifying foot bath therapy is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or ailment. It only helps stimulate detoxification by balancing the body’s bio-energetic fields.


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