
Alternative Medicine

Energy Medicine – How Will You Benefit?

April 12th, 2015 | Alternative Medicine

Energy is the essence of all life. All things are energetic, whether living or inanimate. The scientific definition of organic living energy talks about the interaction of 116 known elements such as atoms, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen that make up all living things. The human body functions as a result of chemical reactions involving […]

Energy Student Wants to Start a Business?

April 8th, 2015 | Alternative Medicine

One of my energy students is thinking of starting a healing business, and she wanted to know what the first steps were in order to start one. We will be discussing this topic, and more at the Healing Place Medfield Healers’ support group. First meeting will be on 4/29 from 7-9 p.m. For more information and to register […]

FREE Spring Stress Buster Meditation

March 14th, 2015 | Alternative Medicine

  Wednesday,  March 25, 7-8 p.m. Healing Place 50 North Street, Medfield, MA Now that spring is approaching, everyone is in the rush to coordinate events before the summer months begin, graduations, weddings, sporting events and the end of the year school events. As a community service the Healing Place wants to help keep you […]

Be the Butterfly You Are Meant to Be – Life Purpose Workshop – Pepperell, MA

February 4th, 2015 | Alternative Medicine

The Healing Place is pleased to be invited to teach “Be the Butterfly You Are Meant to Be – Life Purpose” Workshop  on Saturday, February 21, 1-3pm at the Art of Healing Holistic Center, 78 Main Street Suite B, Pepperell, MA 01463 with Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, Helen Chin Lui. This is a powerful workshop […]

A Healer’s Pleasure

August 30th, 2014 | Alternative Medicine

As a healer, one of Reflexologist, Helen Chin Lui’s great pleasures is being able to help people to heal through alternative healing such as reflexology, reiki and energy medicine. Client cases – A client suffering from years of Restless Leg Syndrome that would keep her awake at nights reported that after 4 reflexology sessions she […]

Alternative Medicine Practitioner Celebrates 8th Anniversary with an Open House

August 11th, 2014 | Alternative Medicine

Medfield, MA, August 1, 2014 — Local Alternative Medicine Practitioner, energy healer teacher, cable TV host, Helen Chin Lui, celebrates this year as a year of self-healing practices. September 9, 2014 will mark Helen’s eighth year as a full-time alternative medicine practitioner and teacher. There is a lot of power behind the number 8. In […]

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