

Chakra Healing – Read, Feel, and Interpret Positive Energy – Online Course. How often do you wish you can sense, interpret, and read energy but find yourself repeating the same non productive patterns? By developing self awareness you can break the pattern by reading the situation. http://dlvr.it/SCVTkN #chakrahealing #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield #selfcare #energymedicine #energyhealing #breakbadhabits #healing #health

November 14th, 2021 | Wellness

Chakra Healing – Read, Feel, and Interpret Positive Energy – Online Course. How often do you wish you can sense, interpret, and read energy but find yourself repeating the same non productive patterns? By developing self awareness you can break the pattern by reading the situation. http://dlvr.it/SCVTkN #chakrahealing #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield #selfcare #energymedicine #energyhealing #breakbadhabits #healing […]

Courage with Hand Reflexology. Yes, there are points in the hands that will help to diffuse fears. https://youtu.be/mltWGrlNrIw To learn more how to begin the awakening process check out my 15 part first step to your spiritual journey. https://bit.ly/3Hi4bRI #journey #courage #firststeptoyourspiritualjournry #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield

November 13th, 2021 | Wellness

Courage with Hand Reflexology. Yes, there are points in the hands that will help to diffuse fears. To learn more how to begin the awakening process check out my 15 part first step to your spiritual journey. https://bit.ly/3Hi4bRI #journey #courage #firststeptoyourspiritualjournry #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield

Writing Hand Reflexology To Promote Relaxation – step by step direction to give yourself a #healing hand #reflexology session. Come soon. #relaxation #stressrelief #wellness #selfcare #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield

November 6th, 2021 | Wellness

Writing Hand Reflexology To Promote Relaxation – step by step direction to give yourself a #healing hand #reflexology session. Come soon. #relaxation #stressrelief #wellness #selfcare #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield

Remember how hard and how long it took to manifest your #miracles! Please do not treat them as mundane events now. Be in awe! #Appreciate and enjoy each one of your miracles. #inspiration To begin the first step to your journey, check out my 15 part course, First Step to Your Spiritual #Journey at #healingplaceenergyschool #theawakening #spiritual #firststep

November 5th, 2021 | Wellness

Remember how hard and how long it took to manifest your #miracles! Please do not treat them as mundane events now. Be in awe! #Appreciate and enjoy each one of your miracles. #inspiration To begin the first step to your journey, check out my 15 part course, First Step to Your Spiritual #Journey at #healingplaceenergyschool […]

#Muscularskeletal #reflexology course focusing on joints, shoulders, arms , and legs. #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool #antomy #health

November 4th, 2021 | Wellness

#Muscularskeletal #reflexology course focusing on joints, shoulders, arms , and legs. #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool #antomy #health

#HealingPlaceEnergySchool presents Breaking the #Scarcity cycle at our live #Reiki Healing podcast on Tuesday,  Nov 2, 7pm EDT on YouTube.com/HealingPlaceEnergySchool Facebook.com/HealingPlaceEnergySchool Tune in and discover how to RID yourself of negative thoughts causing poor outcomes. There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living or having what you want. Dissolve scarcity with the power of positive thinking and you can up the quality of living. Join us tomorrow. #Scarcitycycle #healingenergy #healingthought #selfcare #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool #worthy #loveyourself #yourworthit #dreamliving #selflove #positivethinking #positivemanifestation

November 1st, 2021 | Wellness

#HealingPlaceEnergySchool presents Breaking the #Scarcity cycle at our live #Reiki Healing podcast on Tuesday,  Nov 2, 7pm EDT on YouTube.com/HealingPlaceEnergySchool Facebook.com/HealingPlaceEnergySchool Tune in and discover how to RID yourself of negative thoughts causing poor outcomes. There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living or having what you want. Dissolve scarcity with the power […]

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