
Tagged: healingplaceenergyschool

#morningsmoothie #healingplacemedfield #foodie #healingplaceenergyschool

July 19th, 2017 | healingplaceenergyschool

#morningsmoothie #healingplacemedfield #foodie #healingplaceenergyschool morningsmoothie foodie healingplacemedfield healingplaceenergyschool Questions? Contact Us [vfb id=’1′]

Pain Relief for Painful Ears – Hand, Foot and Ear Reflexology Tips

July 16th, 2017 | healingplaceenergyschool
ear reflexology model

Pain Relief for Painful Ears – Hand, Foot and Ear Reflexology Tips Healing Place’s subscriber wrote to ask for a reflexology tip to help her mother to quiet the pain in her ear. Here is a short video incorporating hand, foot, and ear reflexology tips with Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui. This reflexology technique can be used […]

#reflexology at its best. #healingplacemedfield #HealingPlaceEnergySchool appt 508-359-6463

July 14th, 2017 | healingplaceenergyschool

#reflexology at its best. #healingplacemedfield #HealingPlaceEnergySchool appt 508-359-6463 healingplaceenergyschool reflexology healingplacemedfield Questions? Contact Us [vfb id=’1′]

Sinusitis Pain Killing You? Hand and Face Reflexology For Pain Relief

July 13th, 2017 | healingplaceenergyschool

A Healing Place’s YouTube readers asked me to make a video showing her where are the hand reflexology points that will give her relief from Sinusitis pain. I made a combined face and hand reflexology technique video to relieve the pain. The same method will also relieve pain associated with post nasal drip, sinuses, respiratory, […]

How We Give Away Our Healing Powers in 5 Ways?

July 10th, 2017 | healingplaceenergyschool

We unconsciously give away our healing powers every day. We wonder why we feel drained and exhausted. Five biggest energy power giveaways and what to do to reclaim them. Addiction Repetitive destructive relationships Financial challenges Health and emotional challenges Spiritual disconnect

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