
Tagged: kidneys

#reflexology #pancreas #kidneys #naturalhealing make an appointment today #healingplacemedfield

June 10th, 2017 | kidneys

title=”make an appointment today” Questions? Contact Us [vfb id=’1′]

What Does Your Body Do When it Stops Drinking Diet Soda

June 17th, 2016 | kidneys

You’ve decided to give up diet soda—good idea! Maybe you weren’t hitting your weight-loss goals or couldn’t stomach that long list of ingredients anymore. Or perhaps you heard one too many times that it’s just not good for you. Whatever the reason, eliminating diet soda from your diet will improve your health from head to […]

Wide Legged Forward Fold Post – Yoga Exercise to Flush Your Liver, Kidney, Gallbladder

April 4th, 2016 | kidneys

Certified Reflexologist and Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, Helen Chin Lui is in the process of finishing writing her book “Digestive Health Secrets – Deactivate Your Sick Genes Now! In her new book, Helen has included many essential and helpful tips on how to keep your digestive system healthy including hand and foot reflexology tips, meditation […]

Edema? Retaining Fluids? Spongy Legs? – Foot Reflexology Tip

September 29th, 2015 | kidneys

I love getting thank you for the self-care videos that the Healing Place Medfield produces. This thank  you is for a video I made for people who have problems with retaining fluids in their legs, also known as edema. Most of the time water retention is caused by the kidneys are not doing their job properly. Try this […]

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