
Tagged: reflexology for pain relief

#FootReflexology For #DigestiveRelief #PainRelief #HormonalBalance #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

March 28th, 2023 | reflexology for pain relief

Thinking of next alternative healing to try? Tired of acupuncture needles? Reiki isn’t enough? Do you feel out of sort and nothing is calming your nerves? Try Foot Reflexology for pain relief, digestive relieve and balance your hormones naturally.   Healing Place Reflexology Services  Since 2006, Healing Place in Medfield, Massachusetts has given more than […]

Are You Looking for a Digestive Pain Relief Meditation? Try #HolisticDigestiveHealth #FootReflexology #EnergyMedicine #Meditation

September 20th, 2022 | reflexology for pain relief
digestive healing meditation

   There are many ways to heal your gut; if you are looking for holistic methods to cure your digestive health, then you NEED HealingPlaceEnergySchool’s 4-part Holistic Digestive self-care course. Why? In an hour, you can begin to stomp out your digestive pain with Reflexology, mindfulness, and meditation. Many people mentioned how helpful this 4 […]

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