
Tagged: tea

Asian Herbal Remedy – Ginger

May 20th, 2016 | tea

Ginger originated in the Himalayan foothills of Northern India. Today it is widely grown all over the world as a major commercial spice crop. Ginger used as a natural remedy for many ailments for centuries. Rich in Vitamin A, C, B5 and B6 and full of potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Growing up in a […]

What Foods Can Help You to Improve Your Digestion

September 7th, 2015 | tea

Have you ever felt “off” but couldn’t quite put your finger on why? Maybe you’re tired and irritable, or you just don’t feel 100 percent. If you aren’t sure what’s causing your symptoms, there might be one place you haven’t thought to look yet: your gut. That’s right, many health issues and symptoms are tied […]

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