
Tagged: tinnitus relief

Tinnitus Relief with Ear Reflexology #TinnitusReliefWithEarReflexology #SelfHelpEarReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

May 16th, 2023 | tinnitus relief

Are you one in five people that has tinnitus? Did you know that COVID-19 can cause tinnitus? If you are driven mad by Tinnitus, try ear reflexology for tinnitus relief.   In a 2015 study, The Hearing Health Foundation claimed that 48 million people in America and 360 million worldwide suffer from tinnitus. That’s 1 in […]

Video: #Reflexology Can Relieve #Tinnitus, #EarRinging and #Migraine Headaches

May 11th, 2022 | tinnitus relief
smiling woman with gray sweatshirt

Reflexology Can Relieve Tinnitus and Migraine Headaches Chronic tinnitus, or the perception of hearing sounds without an external noise stimulus, afflicts about 10-15% of the population. The sounds may be described as ringing, roaring, hissing, or pulsatile. Tinnitus and migraines share many commonalities, and symptoms can vary from person to person and both conditions are […]

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