
Tagged: vitamin d

August is Time to Pile on the Vitamin D for the Winter Months Ahead #VitaminD #BuildyourImmuneSystem #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

August 21st, 2023 | vitamin d

  By August it will be time to think about stocking up on your Vitamin D for the fall and winter months. Vitamin D, calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is found in food, but also can be made in your body after exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Vitamin D exists in several […]

Haven’t Tried Sardines? Try These!

May 28th, 2015 | vitamin d

Sardines are consistently rated as the most nutritious and environmentally friendly fish you can eat, and yet some people remain suspicious. “Wait! They have bones and scales?”

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