Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing Services
Empower. Teach. Heal.Your Foot, Hand, and Ear Reflexology Pain-Breaking Specialists
Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing Services
Chakra Balancing and Chakra Healing is a system of attaining and promoting wholeness of mind, body, and spirit and to combined as a unit.
All living materials are made of energy and matter. There are two types of energy; one measured by a traditional technology called Veritable Energy, such as the power in laser light and electromagnetics.
The second energy, Putative Energy cannot be measured by technology, found in music, radiation, and energy medicine therapies.
In Energy Medicine, the body’s energy system known as chakras. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit Cakra (Hindu) meaning “wheel” or “circle” or the “Wheel of Life.” Chakras are the wheels of energy throughout the body. This unseen energy called prana, is our vital life force energy that keeps us vibrant, active, healthy, and physically and emotionally alive. All living creatures have chakras.
Energy healers work with the body’s putative energy. To balance chakras, each chakra is assessed for balanced, excessive, deficient or blockages. The primary goal of energy healers is to balance all chakras for vitality and positive energy flow.
What are the functions of 7 Chakras?
First chakra, known as the “root” chakra, is located in the groin area. Its color is red. This energy enter contains all of your primal and survival needs, your home, your family, and work. Organs associated with this chakra are your intestines, rectum, hips, and legs.
Second chakra, known as “emotion” chakra, located below the naval is color is orange and governs creativity, emotions, passion, and sensuality and living your life. Organs associated with this chakra are the lower gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, bladder, and pelvic.
Third chakra, known as “self-esteem or desire” chakra, located at the solar plexus and is associated with the color yellow. Organs associated are stomach, liver, gallbladder, stomach, kidneys, adrenals, spleen, and upper gastrointestinal tract.
Fourth chakra, known as the “heart” chakra, is green or rose in color. The color of love, emotion, love for others and self-love, harmony, trust, and growth. Organs associated are heart, lungs and breasts.
Fifth chakra, known as the “voice” chakra, located in the middle of the throat and is blue in color. This chakra governs communication and being able to speak the truth. The shoulders and arms are associated with the fifth chakra.
Sixth chakra, known as the “third eye” chakra, located between the two eyes and has the color of indigo blue. This chakra associated with intuition and psychic vision. Brain, face, nose, and eyes are connected to the sixth chakra.
Seventh chakra, located at the crown of the head has the color of violet. This chakra is our connection to our “higher selves” and the “divine.” The seventh chakra does not have any corresponding organs but is related to the whole being.
Where do Chakras Live?
The main seven main chakras are located from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
Chakras are living energy centers receive, assimilate and express life force energy. Every nerve and major organs are connected to chakras. Our physical, emotional and spiritual health depend on how balanced our chakras are. Our energy is consistency moving and changing, either becoming excessive or deficient depending what is happening. The ultimate goal is to keep chakras balanced and opened for positive energy flow.
How do chakras affect us? Chakras are continuously rotating and vibrating. The activities in the chakras influence our body shape, glandular processes, chronic physical ailments, thoughts, and behavior. When a chakra becomes blocked, the energy does not flow harmoniously, or if they are too opened, energy flow becomes too excessive. Both excessive and deficient will cause an energy imbalance.
Every chakra has corresponding organs in our physical system. When clients come with specific health issues, our Reflexologist and Chakra Balancing practitioners can tell almost immediately which chakras are affected.
To learn more, watch the Healing Place’s video on What is Energy Medicine or Chakras?
Chakra healing can accelerate physical and emotional healing process by:
- Releasing past and current emotional pain
- Correcting energy imbalances
- Eliminating the feeling that something is missing
- Breaking non-supportive and negative thought patterns
- Freeing from the cycle of limiting beliefs
- Supporting life purpose work
How can Chakra Healing Help You?
Health – With cases of energy interruption in your vital organs and glands. Correcting chakra energy flow in all organs and glands.
Stuck in a Rut? – Feeling like you are stuck and no matter what you do you can’t break the repetitious cycle. Most of the time this feeling comes from deep seeded fear of believing you are not worthy, don’t have the knowledge, and lacks confidence. We can help you to open the first chakra to break this sabotaging cycle.
Emotional – Most emotional issues caused by years of repeatedly listening and believing limited beliefs programmed by family and friends, teachers and spiritual leaders. We can help you to open your second and fourth chakras so that you can let go of these unproductive thought patterns.
Lack Self-Esteem? – No matter what you do or how hard you work, you feel like you’re not good enough, and it will never be good enough? It is a recording that continuously plays in your head. You can be so much more by balancing and adjusting the energy in the third chakra.
Can’t Find the Love of Your Life – First of all the love of your life should be ‘you’! Then it is time to attract a partner if you choose. Learn to value yourself first and honor yourself is the work of the fourth chakra.
Do You Feel Voiceless?– Do you have words stuck in your throat? But you worry how your words will be received? With a balanced fifth chakra, you will become comfortable in expressing your words.
Are you afraid of your intuitive powers? Everyone has natural intuition ability. By balancing the energy in the ‘third eye,’ you can control how to use your intuition, how much, and how often.
Has the awakening process begun? At some point everyone wants to know what their life purpose work is. You can learn to connect to source or to the universe, and sense which direction on your journey in a gentle and non-threatening manner.
Chakra Healing FAQS
How do I know if my chakras are balanced?
First of all, you just feel good. You feel balanced, relaxed, whole, healthy and light. You feel everything in your life is going well for you. All or most of your projects are flowing the way you like.
Everyone associated with you, either professionally or personally, is attracted to your energy and wants to be with you. In some cases, you are the life of the party, and everyone seeks your company. You are a “people magnet” because you radiate such positive energy that people want to be with you.
How do I know if my chakras are OUT of balance?
If you are out of balance, you will know it immediately! Your clues include you feel awful, depressed, or something is not right, and no one wants to be with you.
What makes it sad is that most people don’t know why they feel sad. It can start off with an empty feeling; sometimes in the heart or the stomach, then it spreads throughout the body. There may be days you feel like you can’t get out of bed. After a long time of not addressing the emptiness, these feelings can become seeds of illnesses.
What’s involved in a chakra balancing session?
To detect where are energy deficiencies, an energy medicine practitioner uses his or her hands to sweep the receiver’s energy field known as an aura. The sweep does not consist of any direct touching but hovers above the body to feel the energy sandwiched between the practitioner’s hands and the receiver’s body.
The sweep will begin at the feet and move towards the head. The practitioner notes where there are excessive or deficient energy spots then proceeds to balance each chakra by increasing the power or slowing it down while removing blockages and balancing each chakra.
Some healers will work only in the aura while others will touch the chakra directly (depending on the client’s comfort level.) Energy blockages can be determined very quickly once the source of pain is determined.
How many sessions will it take before you feel better?
As little as one or several sessions depending on how the client feels and respond.
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