Know Your Chakras - The Book

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Know Your Chakras – The Book

An Introduction to Energy Medicine THE CHAKRAS by Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui

How chakras affect your physical, emotional and spiritual health.


 Reflexology Healing Medfield MANOW is the Time to Reclaim Your Powerful Energy!
If you are a slave to your emotions
If you live in constant state of doubt and fear
If you’re stuck and can’t move ahead
Know Your Chakras is for you!

Everyone can break their stuck cycle, somewhere along the way we have forgotten how or were never taught! The typical solution– “don’t worry, your problems will go away.” What happens when they don’t go away and begins piling up? Then the inner turmoil begins, battling between excessive and deficient energy flow.
Break the Stuck Today!

You can transform your life from one of doubt, worry and fear to one of happiness and fulfillment. Choose to LIVE in harmony. 

You can make profound and significant life changes!

Just imagine you can consistently –
* Feel good about yourself and the things you do
* Have your needs met
* Radiate positive energy with a high vibration
* Be socially engaging
* Manage your stress
* Have healthy work and personal boundaries
* Be a magnet for positive changes
* Be balanced
Learn about your energy in nine easy to understand and powerful lessons and then live the knowledge for a balanced, peaceful and joyful life.


 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA“My resolution for this year was to focus on mindfulness and practicing a healthier lifestyle. “Know Your Chakras” was the ideal vehicle for tuning into my inner capacities while finding a little island of peace in my busy life.

Ms. Lui teaches her lessons in clear and easy to read prose and includes links to guided meditations, suggestions on proper diet, and guidance on how to correct energy imbalances by focusing on the seven chakras.

She even includes homework to reinforce her lessons. Ms. Lui offers a clear pathway for an energized, more stress free and vibrant life. I highly recommend this excellent work.” by Jane M


Know Your Chakras

Lesson 1: Meet Your Chakras
Lesson 2: Benefits of Having Health Chakras
Lesson 3: How Do Your Chakras Affect You Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually
Lesson 4: Know Your Seven Chakras
Lesson 5: Vital Organs and Emotions Associated with Your Seven Chakras
Lesson 6: Your Personal Energy Space, the Aura
Lesson 7: Power Up Your Chakras
Lesson 8: Be Your Chakras Best Friend
Lesson 9: How to Protect Your Precious Energy Resources


As a bonus to support your transformation you will also receive with this book:

* Nine homework assignments
* Nine healing meditations (written and audio links)
* Conscious activities to develop your mindful practices
* Mantras to shift your vibration to a higher level
* Inspirations to keep you motivated

Everyone deserves to live a balance and happy life. It can be done by being mindful, proactive, and shifting your energy to a higher vibration.

Get Know Your Chakras – Introduction to Energy Medicine today for $19.95 now available online at click the button below to buy now.


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Know Your Chakras – The Book

 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA

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