The Healing Place - Reiki Healing

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Reiki Healing


 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAThe Healing Place offers Reiki healing services for people of all ages.

Reiki energy is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes physical and emotional healing.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words “Rei” which means “universal spirit” and “Ki” which means “life force energy.”

Treatment is gentle, non-invasive and powerful. It has a positive cumulative impact on overall health. It is extraordinary because “it works for the greatest good,” which means the positive energy you receive can help you heal physically and emotionally on a cellular level.

Therapy is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us. If one’s life force energy is negative, low or blocked, then we are more likely to feel stress and become sick. If our energy is positive and high, you are likely able to maintain balance, joyful and good health.

A therapy session can induce a sense of flowing radiance that moves through the individual. Reiki healing treats the “whole” person, the body, mind, spirit and soul. The results can be a sense of deep relaxation, serenity and well-being.


Reiki Healing Benefits

Reiki is all about love and energy. It brings chi (life force energy) to the entire body. Wherever energy is lacking, reiki healing energizes the body, spirit and soul to increases blood circulation, nourish the body with vital food and nutrients, encourage toxin elimination.

Who can benefit from treatment? – Everyone from tiny babies to people who are at the end of their lives or in the state of bereavement.

Treatment can help to find relief and ease the pain of:

  • Anxiety and stress by energizing and revitalizing
  • Depression and fears by centering, balancing and focusing energy
  • Chronic pain – headaches, cancer, body ache by balancing the energy in the body
  • Emotional illness – quieting negative  dialogue by relaxing the mind
  • Physical illness – colds, lung issues, body pain by helping the body to revitalize.



Do practitioners use their energy to channel energy?

No,  practitioners only serve as a tool to channel universal energy to heal, harmonize and restore balance. Universal energy is delivered THROUGH the practitioners and NOT from practitioners.

Is Reiki a religion?

Even though Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not associated with any organized religion. Recipients are not expected to make any changes in their personal religious or spiritual beliefs.

Is there any dark energy associated with Reiki?

At the Healing Place all energy is used in a positive way and nurturing manner to help clients to find balance and pain relief.

What can a person expect to feel after a Reiki therapy session?

A session feels like a beautiful radiance of energy that flows through and surrounds the entire person. There are many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace and well-being. Once the body is in a relaxed state, daily stress and anxiety are better handled.

How many Reiki sessions will I need before I see results?

As little as one or several sessions depending on how the client feels and responds.


Reiki Classes

 Reflexology Healing Medfield MAInterested in taking a class? Reiki Master and Teacher Practitioner Helen Chin Lui and her assistants teach occasional in-person classes (Reiki I, II and Master/Teacher classes). Please check with the HealingPlaceEnergySchool for class list. We will be offering online Reiki classes soon.


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