This is the third year that the Natural Living Expo has invited the Healing Place to exhibit and present at the 2015 conference on November 14th and 15th. We are so honored and pleased. (Best Western Royal Plaza Trade Center 181 Boston Post Rd West, Marlborough, MA)

Certified Reflexologist and Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui and Reiki Practitioner Robin Bornstein will be exhibiting and presenting again this year on November 14 and 15 at 181 Boston Post Rd., Marlboro, MA

We are so excited! We usually talk to thousands of people during our two day event and give out thousands of reflexology and reiki tips on stress reduction, pain reduction and suggested life style changes.

We will be offering mini reflexology and reiki sessions both day for $20 at booth 402.

Helen specializes in helping adults and children to find long term relief with digestive disorders, chronic pain and balance hormones naturally. RobinĀ  specializes in helping adults, teenagers and children suffering from stress and anxiety to find balance, peace and quiet within.

On November 15th Helen will be presenting in the salon A at 10am

Constipation – The Ins and Outs

This is an informative talk and interactive hand reflexology session to relieve the discomfort of constipation and move the content in the intestines. Hands out will be giving.Helen speaking

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