
Alternative Medicine

Video: Support Kidney and Urinary Functions with Reflexology

October 14th, 2020 | Alternative Medicine
woman in black touching feet

Support Kidney and Urinary Functions with Reflexology Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui gets constant inquiries about how to quiet the pain associated with digestive problems, autoimmune diseases, and balances hormones naturally through her various social media and direct contact.  Recently, Helen gave a client a foot reflexology session; the client didn’t feel well and decided […]

Video: Hand Reflexology for Sinus and Post Nasal Drip Relief

September 30th, 2020 | Alternative Medicine
blowing nose with tissue

Hand Reflexology for Sinus and Post Nasal Drip Relief One of the adjustments to seasonal changes is seasonal allergies. The biggest allergy trigger in the fall is Ragweed. Cool autumn air harbors allergens from trees and grasses through not only the fall months, also the spring and summer months.  Allergens can enter into the eyes, […]

How Seasonal Changes Can Affect Your Health

September 27th, 2020 | Alternative Medicine
trees in sunlight

Your Qi is constantly adjusting itself to match earth’s frequency. Frequency can fluctuate and moves quicker in the warmer weather and slower in the cold. Some people are very or overly sensitive to the seasonal changes. These adjustments can have a negative impact on the body, can cause illness and can make one feel unbalanced.

Reflexology Spleen 6 Point

September 10th, 2020 | Alternative Medicine

Reflexology Spleen 6 Point Spleen 6 – is often used as an vital acupuncture point and it can be pressed during a reflexology session. There are many benefits by pressing on this one spot – can relieve the painful symptoms related to digestion, irregular menstruation, and menopause. This spot can open vital energy centers throughout […]

Video: Tinniutus Pain Relief with Hand, Foot, and Ear Reflexology Tips

September 7th, 2020 | Alternative Medicine
hands on head

Healing Place’s subscriber wrote to us asking for a reflexology tip to help her mother quiet the Tinnitus Pain in her ear. Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui shows where the pain relief points are the ears, hands, and feet. 

Video: Kidney Stone Pain Relief – Hand Reflexology Tip

September 5th, 2020 | Alternative Medicine
thumb holding foot

For anyone with kidney stones, know the pain associated with passing a kidney stone. It is painful!! There is something you can do from your home that can help to support kidney functions. Reflexology!

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