
Charka Balancing

Chakra – How Does Chakra Energy Flow?

March 18th, 2013 | Charka Balancing

Our energy runs from the top or our heads to the base of our spine and up again in a continuous cycle. If one or more chakras become blocked, this energy cannot move efficiently and the other chakras become deprived. Over time, with reduced or no energy flowing through them, the chakras become weaker and […]

Chakra – Have You Check In With Your Body Today?

March 17th, 2013 | Charka Balancing

A bunch of check in questions to ask yourself today – Ask yourself if you are breathing correctly. Most health issues begin with lack of proper breathing. Many people breathe from their diaphragm rather than from their stomach. Next explore your feelings. Are you angry and if yes, for how long? Are you disappointed with […]

Charka – The Benefit of Healthy Chakras

March 16th, 2013 | Charka Balancing

When chakras are balanced and opened they rotate clockwise and exhibit bright clean colors. We feel physical well-being and are emotionally happy. We are able to fight off illness and diseases.  Without blockages and with maximized energy flow, balanced chakras enable the body, mind, and spirit to function optimally.

Chakras – Why Do We Continue to Ignore our Body’s Messages

March 15th, 2013 | Charka Balancing

Ignoring or even lack of awareness of our body’s signals usually cause more burden and stress which can result in the sacrifice of daily exercising, we end up overeating, or finding ourselves with too many items left unaccomplished at the end of a day thus re-creating the negative behavior cycle! The joy we know diminishes […]

Chakras – Why Do Chakras Become Unbalanced?

March 14th, 2013 | Charka Balancing

Since we are all physical beings with human feelings, thoughts and behavior, our emotions and DNA determine our overall health. Charkas are the spiritual powers that create a vortex of energies in the body. Chakas can become blocked from negative energy and psychic debris. This can lead to physical and emotional illnesses and uneasy feelings.

Chakras – How Do Chakras Affect Us?

March 13th, 2013 | Charka Balancing
chakra cluster

Chakras – How Do Chakras Affect Us? Each chakra effects different parts of the body and almost all illness is caused by poor chakra health. When you have  blocked chakra(s)  your Chi, the life force slows down. You may feel depressed, out of touch, feel lost, easily tired, unable to clearly think, or listless. The […]

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