

The Importance of Proper Breathing

March 16th, 2015 | Meditation

We spent so much time hurrying from event to event. We wonder why we feel so disconnected and stressed. The solution is within us but we don’t take time to find it. By reminding yourself how powerful your breathing can be, you can can dissolve stress and regain balance within minutes through proper breathing. In […]

FREE Spring Stress Buster Meditation

March 14th, 2015 | Meditation

  Wednesday,  March 25, 7-8 p.m. Healing Place 50 North Street, Medfield, MA Now that spring is approaching, everyone is in the rush to coordinate events before the summer months begin, graduations, weddings, sporting events and the end of the year school events. As a community service the Healing Place wants to help keep you […]

Holiday Stress-Buster Fundraiser

November 4th, 2013 | Meditation

Are you getting nervous about the holidays? Are you stressed with too much to do and not enough time? Do the holidays have you running around like crazy every year? Holiday Stress-Buster Fundraiser for Medfield Home Services Monday, December 2nd, 7-8pm Suggested Donation: $10 (tax deductible) The American Psychological association (APA) conducted a survey called […]

The Many Benefits of Meditation

August 9th, 2013 | Meditation

By guest writer, Jeffrey Lui In American society, we have adapted to doing everything as quickly and efficiently as possible. We spend hours upon hours a day working nonstop, while never giving our minds and bodies a chance to rest and catch up. This combination of stress and pressure can slowly take a toll on […]

As I Start to Love Myself Today!

June 6th, 2013 | Meditation

Each one of us goes through “darkness” at some point in our lives. We lose our direction and our compasses. We lose our connection to God/to the universe/to our inner source. How we lose our direction comes from certain situations, sometimes out of our control, and sometimes not, such as losing a job, losing a […]

Pamper Yourself – Home Spa Treatment for Your Feet

May 11th, 2013 | Meditation

It’s been said “”show me a grumpy person and I’ll show you a person with sore feet.” (No, this did not  come out of a fortune cookie.) Sore feet can affect your productivity, your posture and your mood. Your feet are designed to carry your weight for thousands of miles over the course of your […]

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