Last night’s Spirit Animal Totem Workshop was wonderful! Thank you Shamanic Practitioner Sue Angelo.

Spirit animals are powerful! They can help us to reveal insights about our personalities, skills and sticky situations. They basically help us to avoid some of life’s pitfalls if we know how to listen.

We all have spirit animals accompanying us on our life journeys. Your spirit animals want to guide you, and gently teach you life lessons which you are meant to learn. By learning how to listen to them and decoding their messages, we can save ourselves unnecessary pain, anxiety and stress.

Last night’s participants learned who their spirit animals were, and how each animal plays a vital role in our lives. We learned about their characteristics and how to draw strength from them. At the end of the workshop we walked away with skills that we can incorporate into our everyday lives.
Our next class on September 15, 7-9pm on Soul Retrieval. See description and please register. Seating is limited. Early bird registration $35. After September 4, $40.
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