
Tagged: boston

Daily Gratitudes1. How to live in the moment. 2. Being a cheap laugh. 3. No guilt during down…

March 5th, 2019 | boston

Daily Gratitudes 1. How to live in the moment. 2. Being a cheap laugh. 3. No guilt during down time. 4. Give myself permission to play. 5. The ability to connect with old friends after many no-talk years. What are you grateful for today? #energymedicine #energyhealing #mindfulness #reflexology #abundance #peace #mindbodyspirit #chakras #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield #energyhealing […]

I believe it has come to pass. What magic will you make today? I will manifest something…

March 3rd, 2019 | boston

Don’t let anyone steal your #peace. Check out my radio podcast with #NBRFM…

March 2nd, 2019 | boston

Don’t let anyone steal your #peace. Check out my radio podcast with #NBRFM http://nbrfm.com/showfiles/2018/Helen%20Chin%20Lui-11%2028%2018-Reiki-Rick.mp3 #energymedicine #energyhealing #mindfulness #reflexology #abundance #peace #mindbodyspirit #chakras #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield #energyhealing #chakras #positivity #ENERGY#selfhealing #holistic #health #mindfulness #positivevibes #Chronicpain #selfcare #holistichealth #wellness #health #healthylifestyle #reflexologyqueen #reiki #chronicillness #health #healthandwellness #pain #painsucks #peaceofmind #spoonie

I can’t believe how many sick people I have seen for reflexology to relieve the pain associated with…

March 2nd, 2019 | boston

I can’t believe how many sick people i have seen for reflexology to relieve the pain associated with colds and flu. Here is a hand reflexology to relieve cold and flu symptoms that you can do from home. Visit youtube.com/reflexologyhealing for more 270 selfhelp videos #energymedicine #energyhealing #mindfulness #reflexology #abundance #peace #mindbodyspirit #chakras #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield […]

A client came in with aching teeth due to dental post implants. I thought it would be a good idea to…

March 2nd, 2019 | boston

A client came in with aching teeth due to dental post implants. I thought it would be a good idea to make a #reflexology tip to ease dental #pain. While filming I’m cut I cut off the top of my head but I didn’t want to talk to the feet while i was talking to […]

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