
Tagged: chakra balancing

How Seasonal Changes Can Affect Your Health

September 27th, 2020 | chakra balancing
trees in sunlight

Your Qi is constantly adjusting itself to match earth’s frequency. Frequency can fluctuate and moves quicker in the warmer weather and slower in the cold. Some people are very or overly sensitive to the seasonal changes. These adjustments can have a negative impact on the body, can cause illness and can make one feel unbalanced.

How Your Aura Protects Your Energy

February 20th, 2020 | chakra balancing
Boy holding chakras

How Your Aura Protects Your Energy Everything in the universe is formulated from energy, whether they are living beings or inanimate objects. Even our thoughts and emotions are composed of energy. All living creatures have chakras and emit energy from the chakras and into the external energy field of the body, the aura. An aura […]

Holistic Care Today

July 28th, 2019 | chakra balancing

Holistic Care Today Holistic care is the emphasis of overall well-being (both physical and emotional), with an emphasis on maintaining health, not just curing ailments. Allopathic medicine aims to combat disease by using remedies (such as drugs or surgery), whereas osteopathy takes a holistic perspective on the practice of medicine. It’s based on the theory […]

5 Key Differences Between the Chinese and Western Reflexology Treatment

June 14th, 2019 | chakra balancing

The questions on reflexology are many. Many people with debilitating physical conditions can benefit hugely from reflexology treatment. As more and more people are discovering reflexology and how it is helping the people cope with various illnesses, people want to know more and more about reflexology and how it can bring a positive effect to […]

Fascinating Facts About Your Incredible Hands

June 13th, 2019 | chakra balancing

My Reflexology colleague, Bill Flocco, of the American Academy of Reflexology in California, has compiled a list of interesting facts about hands (more to come.) Let’s see how many of them do you know. A quarter of all the bones in your body are found in your two hands. Your hand is built in 3 […]

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