This is Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui’s favorite hand reflexology map. She includes hand reflexology services in addition to foot and ear. The Healing Place specializes in helping people of all ages to address chronic digestive problems, chronic pain and balance hormones naturally. If you would like to learn how reflexology can help you, schedule […]
Tagged: chakras
Favorite Hand Reflexology Map
May 22nd, 2018 | chakrasVideo: How Does Blocked Energy Affects Your Digestive Health?
November 4th, 2017 | chakrasAll you know that you are storing your emotions and your stomach is killing you. Learn how to support your second and third chakras and balance gut energy with Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui
Video: Reclaim Your Healing Powers in 5 Ways?
July 7th, 2017 | chakrasWe give away our powers by believing the life we live is the hand dealt. Instead of living and attracting an abundant life, we think the opposite and feel we don’t deserve anything better. Do you believe this is true on some level? Six ways we give away our powers every day are Being and […]
How Healthy Are Your Chakras?
June 6th, 2017 | chakrasIf your energy is flowing through all of your chakras, you usually feel uplifted and joyful. Decide what makes you happy? To have healthy chakras you have to know who you are. You can’t be pulled in all directions by others or be at the mercy of other people’s thoughts, intentions, and desires. You have […]
The Benefits of Having Healthy Chakras
March 11th, 2017 | chakrasThere are so many reasons why we must keep our chakras healthy and flowing. To keep our bodies healthy, all body systems, hormones, and processes must work in harmony with each other to achieve homeostasis. Good health is achieved through stress management, balanced diet, actual movement and mindful activities. We must also care for our […]
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