
Tagged: diabetics

What Does Your Body Do When it Stops Drinking Diet Soda

June 17th, 2016 | diabetics

You’ve decided to give up diet sodaā€”good idea! Maybe you weren’t hitting your weight-loss goals or couldn’t stomach that long list of ingredients anymore. Or perhaps you heard one too many times that it’s just not good for you. Whatever the reason, eliminating diet soda from your diet will improve your health from head to […]

Foot Care Tips for Diabetics

May 18th, 2016 | diabetics

Complications due to diabetes are the number-one cause of lower-leg amputations and account for nearly 86,000 amputations per year. Doctors estimate almost 50 percent of these amputations could have been prevented if the person had taken better care of their feet. “I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for a person with diabetes to […]

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