Not that long ago, the concept of canine reflexology seemed “out there” and was not the subject of mainstream dog conversation. But more people are looking for holistic and gentle alternative therapy for their pets. Canine reflexology, a holistic therapy that involves applying gentle pressure to specific points on a dog’s paws, ears, or […]
Tagged: energy centers
Canine Reflexology Pain Relief Points #ManBestFriend #caninepainrelief #ReflexologyNearme #HealingPlaceEnergyScool
January 27th, 2025 | energy centersDOG CHAKRA OVERVIEW – YOUR DOG’S ENERGY CENTERS
April 16th, 2016 | energy centersDogs DO have chakras, of course. All living creatures; dogs, cats, people, dolphins, unicorns and plants have energy centers known as chakras. A few years ago the concept of dogs having chakras seemed “out there” and was definitely not the subject of mainstream dog conversation. In the last few years there has been a burst […]
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