
Tagged: exercise

Did you get up and get out? #stress #exercise #selfhelp

April 29th, 2022 | exercise

Getting up and getting out helps to ease stress and anxiety. Taking a walk around the block while enjoying your surroundings helps to quiet your mind and lowers your blood pressure. Take time to breathe and release. Want to know how to handle stress better? Check out our stress and anxiety releasing courses at HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com […]

Conscious Choices For Healthy Living

September 20th, 2021 | exercise
peppers and lemon

Healthy Habits Begin Today It’s never too early or too late to be healthy, but not everyone knows where to start. A combination of diet, exercise, and work-life balance, can go a long way toward improving the quality of your life. There are so many choices you can make to help to improve your physical […]

Steps To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

July 14th, 2015 | exercise

BREAKING NEWS! Some newly discovered compounds have just been found to turn off all of the genes that cause diabetes. Are these compounds found in a pill bottle? No! Instead, you’ll find them on your dinner plate — in rye bread and pasta. As I wrote in another blog about diabetes, rye contains special phytonutrients […]

Exercising Without Triggering a ‪‎Migraine‬ or ‪Headache

May 19th, 2015 | exercise

As a “migraineur” your dilemma may be “to exercise or not to exercise.” It’s a delicate balancing act, but one, done correctly and within the parameters of your own migraine experience, can have great advantages. For the good of your overall health, exercising is beneficial. You should start slowly. Try walking at a slow pace. […]

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