
Tagged: HCl

Need Better Digestion? Holistic Digestive Health Course #HydrochloricAcid #Reflexology #Digestion #SelfCare

September 13th, 2022 | HCl
with reflexology and mindfulness

You Can Have Better Digestive Functions with Foot Reflexology Many people do not know that their stomach is not making enough digestive acid, Hydrochloric Acid (HCl); this is true if antacids are taken often. HCl is necessary for many bodily functions, significantly aiding food digestion. Many people take antacids to alleviate heartburn or ingestion, but […]

How Does Your Digestive Tract Affects Your Skin?

November 8th, 2017 | HCl

Our skin is our largest organ. Not only does it protect us from the elements, bacteria, toxins from entering our bodies, but it also keeps our organs from falling out of our body. Studies have shown that stress and gut inflammation can damage the protective function and integrity of the epidermal barrier.

Love Your Hydrochloric Acid Always?

June 24th, 2017 | HCl
stomach pain

Did you know that one of the underlying causes of most digestive disorders is low stomach acid! Did you know that you are not supposed to take an antacid for more than eight weeks period? Many people are not aware that their stomach is not making enough stomach acid, especially if they are popping antacid […]

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