
Tagged: healingplaceenergyschool

Video: Allergy Relief Hand Reflexology Relief

May 28th, 2019 | healingplaceenergyschool
blowing nose with tissue

Allergy Relief Hand Reflexology Relief Tip Now that it is allergy season once again here are some helpful tips to keep your respiratory and sinuses clear. When looking to control allergy symptoms, there are many steps to limit your exposure to pollen. We have included some tips to help alleviate your allergy symptoms by minimizing […]

Are You Should-ING Your Life Away? Conference Call

August 8th, 2017 | healingplaceenergyschool

Are you Should-ing Your Life Away (Interactive Conference call) Wednesday, August 23, 1- 1:45pm. $5 How many times do we say to ourselves internally or externally “if only I SHOULD  have?” I should have said something I should have treated my husband and family better I should be more organized and plan better I should […]

Adrenal Fatigue Relief with Hand and Foot Reflexology Tips

August 3rd, 2017 | healingplaceenergyschool

Modern society is overwhelming! Between juggling our family and work we are constantly under stress. Your body is tired and is crashing. Lets talk about how to support your adrenals so that they can help you coast through difficult times.

Video: Clean Your Aura of Negative Energy in 3 Ways?

August 2nd, 2017 | healingplaceenergyschool

Cleaning your energy field known as an aura is essential for good health and energy hygiene. By cleaning daily, you are protecting your energy field from psychic debris and attacks from people who have treated unkind and unfavorably. This exercise is a MUST for highly sensitive empaths who absorb other people’s emotions. My daily practice […]

How to Release Pain Caused by Stress in 4 Ways?

August 1st, 2017 | healingplaceenergyschool

We all get stressed and before we know it we are in pain from the stress. Here are four tips how to quiet pain cause by stress for a conscious and balance life.

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