
Tagged: HealingPlaceMedfield

#edema #reflexology #toxinbuildup #kidney #healingplacemedfield

June 10th, 2017 | HealingPlaceMedfield

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#reflexology #pancreas #kidneys #naturalhealing make an appointment today #healingplacemedfield

June 10th, 2017 | HealingPlaceMedfield

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Find Relief From Stress with Reflexology?

June 10th, 2017 | HealingPlaceMedfield

Everyone’s stress is out of control! In the cavemen day’s our sympathetic system was out of control when we thought we were going to be eaten by tigers and dinosaurs. In Contemporary time we are fighting the clock and our schedules. The body then produces too much hormone cortisol and epinephrine to keep us calm. […]

How Healthy Are Your Chakras?

June 6th, 2017 | HealingPlaceMedfield

If your energy is flowing through all of your chakras, you usually feel uplifted and joyful. Decide what makes you happy? To have healthy chakras you have to know who you are. You can’t be pulled in all directions by others or be at the mercy of other people’s thoughts, intentions, and desires. You have […]

What are Chakras?

June 5th, 2017 | HealingPlaceMedfield

All living creatures have seven primary and twenty- one minor energy centers or life power source known as Chakras in the body. The main ones live on the spine from the tailbone to our heads; while the minor twenty-one chakras are located throughout the body, mostly on the limbs and back. The first main chakra […]

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