
Tagged: health

COVID, Flu, Respiratory Support – Video Hand Reflexology Course

January 5th, 2022 | health
sick family lying in bed

Take Steps to Protect Your Respiratory Health with 4-Parts Hand Reflexology Video Course Everyone is afraid of contracting air-borne bacteria that can affect their respiratory functions, especially now when the newly mutated coronavirus disease. There are many ways you can protect your health by taking basic protective measures. In the warm months, moist air promotes […]

Asthma, COVID, Cold, Flu, Respiratory Relief with Hand Reflexology Video Course

November 29th, 2021 | health

Take Steps to Protect Your Respiratory Health with 4-Parts Hand Reflexology Healing Everyone is afraid of contracting air borne bacteria that can affect their respiratory functions. There are many ways you can protect your health by taking basic protective measures. In the warm months moist air promotes mucus production that coats the nose and respiratory […]

Do You Need to Detoxify with a Ionic Detox Foot Bath?

April 8th, 2021 | health
feet in water

Do You Need to Detoxify with a Ionic Detox Foot Bath? Your feet have over 15,000 nerve endings and 2,000 sweat glands. In addition to having arteries and veins cross paths in the feet, these factors make the feet a natural gateway for the disposal of bodily waste products. Ionic Detox Foot Bath is a […]

Do I Have Blocked Energy? – Chakra Balancing FAQs and Meditation

April 3rd, 2021 | health
Know Your Chakras Book

Do I Have Blocked Energy? As an Energy Medicine Practitioner and a Reflexologist, the Healing Place’s clients want to understand how the energy flows in their body and if “blocked energy” has something to do with their state of physical and mental health. To answer these frequently asked questions (FAQs) I made a short video […]

Another reader who loves my book “Know Your Chakras: Introduction to Energy Medicine

March 30th, 2021 | health

Another reader who loves my book “Know Your Chakras” “ On my journey to a healthier life, this book has helped immensely. I enjoy the meditations included and the information is eye opening! Helen Chin Lui has made it easy to understand energy and how it relates to me & others around me. Worth reading […]

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