
Tagged: HelenChinLui

Master Liver Detoxing Drink to Cleanse Your Liver

October 2nd, 2021 | HelenChinLui
lemon detoxing

Here is a recipe for the Master Liver Detoxing drink that I am drinking all 14 days of my liver detoxing. Some people can drink up to 128 oz a day (1 gallon), but I’m good at 32oz. Even though I know this drink is helping me, I am not a fan of this lemon-aide […]

Favorite Hand Reflexology Map

May 22nd, 2018 | HelenChinLui

This is Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui’s  favorite hand reflexology map. She includes hand reflexology services in addition to foot and ear. The Healing Place specializes in helping people of all ages to address chronic digestive problems, chronic pain and balance hormones naturally. If you would like to learn how reflexology can help you, schedule […]

Video: How Does Blocked Energy Affects Your Digestive Health?

November 4th, 2017 | HelenChinLui
stomach pain

All you know that you are storing your emotions and your stomach is killing you. Learn how to support your second and third chakras and balance gut energy  with Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui

How Does Spiritual Pain Show Up In Your Life?

September 26th, 2017 | HelenChinLui
Chronic Pain Relief

Energy 101 with Certified Energy medicine Practitioners Maria Salomão-Schmidt and Helen Chin Lui (#112) How does spiritual pain show up in your life? We all know about physical and emotional pain but what happens when we become spiritually disconnected?

September 2017 Healing Place’s Energy Healing Webinars

September 1st, 2017 | HelenChinLui

Healing Place is pleased to announce our September 2017 Energy Healing Webinars 9/11, 1-2pm Lunch Time Chat for the soul Are You a Time Chaser? Do you find that you never have enough time? Even though we all have the same 24 hours a day, and yet we never have enough time. The Time Chaser […]

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