
Tagged: kidney stones

Can Your Kidney Function be Strengthen with #FootReflexology? #KidneyHealth #CKD #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ReflexologyNearMe

October 17th, 2024 | kidney stones

Yes! Reflexology can support kidney functions with the touch of the thumbs and fingers. Approximately 15% or 37 million US adults have chronic kidney disease, and many do not know they have kidney problems until it is in advanced stages.   How Does Reflexology Support the Kidneys? Therapeutic Reflexology sessions help the organs and glands […]

Foot Reflexology to Promote Healthy Kidneys #KidneyStones and #KidneyDisease #KidneyHealth #NearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

May 18th, 2023 | kidney stones

Kidney disease is a significant global health problem that affects both women and men. According to the World Kidney Day organization, kidney disease affects approximately 850 million people worldwide, with millions more at risk of developing the disease. Kidney disease is the 11th leading cause of death worldwide; one in ten people has kidney problems.  […]

Are Your Kidneys Retaliating After Years of Abuse? #FootReflexologyRescue #kidneyDisease #HealingPlaceEnergyschool

February 26th, 2023 | kidney stones
two kidneys

Are Your Kidneys retaliating after years of abuse? Are Your legs filling up with fluids? Perhaps you are starting to get kidney stones? Kidney function is critical for maintaining overall health and well-being. The kidneys filter waste and excess fluids from the blood, regulate blood pressure, produce hormones that help regulate essential bodily functions, and […]

Video: Strengthen Kidney Functions with Foot Reflexology

January 12th, 2021 | kidney stones
pressing on foot reflexology

Strengthen Kidney Function with Foot Reflexology Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui made this video while working with a client who thought she had a blood clog and went to the ER. She came the next day for a reflexology session to have her kidney checked out. Helen worked on all her reflex points for every […]

Video: Support Kidney and Urinary Functions with Reflexology

October 14th, 2020 | kidney stones
woman in black touching feet

Support Kidney and Urinary Functions with Reflexology Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui gets constant inquiries about how to quiet the pain associated with digestive problems, autoimmune diseases, and balances hormones naturally through her various social media and direct contact.  Recently, Helen gave a client a foot reflexology session; the client didn’t feel well and decided […]

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