
Tagged: long time happy

You Can be both #Happy and #Joyful At the Same Time #EnergyMedicine #wellness #content #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

January 29th, 2023 | long time happy

Ā  Joy and happiness are pleasant emotions, but they don’t mean the same thing. While happiness is an emotion of contentment and satisfaction, joyful living involves a broader experience that explores the fullness of life.Ā You can have both joy and happiness. Joyful living means understanding our emotions, learning to accept ourselves and others, experiencing a […]

Choose Happiness Now!

September 5th, 2016 | long time happy

Do you think waiting for what you want will make you happy? One of the things I noticed about being happy and getting happy is that they are NOT interchangeable. We think by waiting for somethingā€”perfect job, perfect marriage, lose that 20 pounds, get that diamond bracelet, whateverā€”those things or events in our lives are […]

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