
Tagged: probiotic

Do You Know Your Miso?

May 17th, 2015 | probiotic

Why is Miso a probiotic Food? Miso is produced by fermenting soybean, barley, brown rice, or other grains with a type of fungus known as koji (aspergillus oryzae). The fermentation process can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of years to complete and the end result is a red, white or dark […]

The Importance of Gut Health and Digestion Juice Recipe

May 10th, 2015 | probiotic

One of the highlights of my career thus far has easily been creating ailment-based juices for Erewhon. This is because I believe in juicing with a purpose. Sure, drinking tons of veggies is never exactly bad for you, but I think in this current state of juice craze, we don’t think enough about what we’re […]

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