Reflexology Can Relieve Tinnitus and Migraine Headaches Chronic tinnitus, or the perception of hearing sounds without an external noise stimulus, afflicts about 10-15% of the population. The sounds may be described as ringing, roaring, hissing, or pulsatile. Tinnitus and migraines share many commonalities, and symptoms can vary from person to person and both conditions are […]
Tagged: reflexology
Video: #Reflexology Can Relieve #Tinnitus, #EarRinging and #Migraine Headaches
May 11th, 2022 | reflexologyHappy Mother’s Day! #Stress Anxiety #SelfCare
May 8th, 2022 | reflexologyHappy Mother’s Day! To celebrate Mother’s Day and through May, we are offering a 10% off coupon to celebrate your self-care and awaken your inner healer on all self-care courses at! Time is limited! Don’t miss out on learning powerful self-care healing courses. Healing is in your hands. Self Care and Self Healing Online […]
Need some Stress and Anxiety Relief from Migraine Headaches? #SelfHelp #Reflexology #Stress
May 7th, 2022 | reflexologyDid you know there are thousands of reflexology points not only on hands and feet, but there are also thousands points on the ears as well? Check out our self-help reflexology courses at Break the Chronic Migraine Headache Cycle with Reflexology Chronic Migraine headaches affect approximately 2% of the world’s population, including children. Migraine […]
Did you get up and get out? #stress #exercise #selfhelp
April 29th, 2022 | reflexologyGetting up and getting out helps to ease stress and anxiety. Taking a walk around the block while enjoying your surroundings helps to quiet your mind and lowers your blood pressure. Take time to breathe and release. Want to know how to handle stress better? Check out our stress and anxiety releasing courses at […]
Did you take your “Me Time” Today? #Stress #StressFree #Anxiety #SelfHelp
April 28th, 2022 | reflexologyDid you remember to take some “me time” today? Everyone is busy, but it is essential to make time for yourself to regroup and for quiet. Do something that you enjoy. Take a walk, meditate, write a poem, or plant some flowers. Need help to make “me time” a practice? Check out our self-care courses […]
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