
Tagged: reflexology

Support Your Immune System while Waiting for the COVID Vaccination – New Course

March 9th, 2021 | reflexology
asian woman in blue mask

Support Your Immune System While Waiting for the COVID Vaccination As a public servant, I feel deeply for the 10 million people who have lost their jobs, homes, and is food-insecure. Many are just barely hanging on and making ends meet. Everyone is challenged and stressed while waiting for life to become normal again. The […]

Do You Know What Your Leg Ligament System Does?

March 8th, 2021 | reflexology
foot ligament

FOOT LIGAMENT SYSTEM The foot has the highest density of ligament tissue per square inch in the body. Given the large amount of joints and ligaments, it would be reasonable that this complex is important to total body function. This picture shows the specific ligaments of the foot and the intricacy of their structure and […]

Special Wellness and Relaxation Reflexology Offer

March 1st, 2021 | reflexology
naked feet on table

Special Wellness and Relaxation Reflexology Offer If you are exploring how the ancient healing of reflexology can help you, we have a special offer now until the end of March to give you an incentive to try it out. One-hour Wellness and Relaxation Reflexology Sessio for $75, originally $85. This offer is good on Saturday […]

Video: Face Reflexology to Relieve Congestion and Sinus Headache

February 15th, 2021 | reflexology

Face Reflexology to Relieve Congestion and Sinus Headache I was working to clearing and unblocking Celina’s sinuses and thought what a wonderful opportunity to film this face reflexology demonstration and help others who are having the same problem. You can break up head congestion caused by a cold by knowing where to press on your […]

Video: Dry Eye Relief with Hand Reflexology

February 10th, 2021 | reflexology
one eye

A client of the HealingPlaceMedfield has asked us to make a video that she can do inbetween her regular foot reflexology session to help her to relieve dry eye symptoms.

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