As a Certified Reflexologist, I see feet every day. Mostly feet have some problems. I have seen a many variety of feet. Some nicely shaped, some pretty, and some need pain relief. . There are some feet that are just tired from wearing ill-fitted shoe or are overworked. Few of us appreciate what our feet […]

When my chakras are in balance I feel relaxed, whole, healthy and wonderful. I feel everything in my life is going well. My projects are flowing the way I want. I don’t get easily frustrated or angry. I can come back to balance quicker. Everyone associated with me is attracted to my energy and wants […]

A research article, “Activity in the primary somatosensory cortex induced by reflexological stimulation is unaffected by pseudo-information: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study,” published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, notes how researchers employed the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate how reflexological stimulation of the reflex area is processed in the primary […]

FOOT LIGAMENT SYSTEM- The foot has the highest density of ligament tissue per square inch in the body. Given the large amount of joints and ligaments, it would be reasonable that this complex is important to total body function. This picture shows the specific ligaments of the foot and the intricacy of their structure and […]

Spanish researcher and reflexologist Jesus Manzanares, M.D., who developed the Manzanares Method of Reflexology, began reflexology research in 1980. He created a study that spanned a period of time from 1989 until 2002. His aim was to study biopsies of deposits taken from human foot tissue; to analyze anatomical characteristics and tissue composition of the […]
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