
Tagged: self care

Video: 10 Minute #Meditation to Calm Your Mind for Restful #Sleep #wellness

May 21st, 2022 | self care
swan swimming peacefully

10 minutes meditation to calm your overactive mind for restful sleep. Who doesn’t want a restful sleep? Meditation can quiet overactive and non-productive thinking while releasing stress and anxiety. You can train your body to relax and fall asleep and stay asleep. Stress and Anxiety is Rampant and Out of Control! Stress is the cause […]

Video: #Reflexology Can Relieve #Tinnitus, #EarRinging and #Migraine Headaches

May 11th, 2022 | self care
smiling woman with gray sweatshirt

Reflexology Can Relieve Tinnitus and Migraine Headaches Chronic tinnitus, or the perception of hearing sounds without an external noise stimulus, afflicts about 10-15% of the population. The sounds may be described as ringing, roaring, hissing, or pulsatile. Tinnitus and migraines share many commonalities, and symptoms can vary from person to person and both conditions are […]

Did you take your “Me Time” Today? #Stress #StressFree #Anxiety #SelfHelp

April 28th, 2022 | self care

Did you remember to take some “me time” today? Everyone is busy, but it is essential to make time for yourself to regroup and for quiet. Do something that you enjoy. Take a walk, meditate, write a poem, or plant some flowers. Need help to make “me time” a practice? Check out our self-care courses […]

Foot Reflexology – Drain Your Sinuses

March 28th, 2022 | self care
woman blowing nose with yellow flowers behind her

Drain Your Sinuses with Foot Reflexology Has spring greeted you with sniffling, sneezing, congestion and runny, itchy eyes, nose and throat? Experts say that this allergy season is more intense than usual, dubbing as a “pollen tsunami,” especially in the Northeast. After a long, wet winter, seemingly everything blooms all at once. As beautiful as […]

Video: Reiki Healing Meditation – Healers’ Self-Care

March 23rd, 2022 | self care
self care spell out on postcard

Healers’ Self Care is a MUST If you missed our live Reiki healing Meditation broadcast with Reiki Masters Helen Chin Lui and Robin Bornstein of the HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com, here is a replay about the importance of self care for everyone.  We are all stressed and anxious but when you are a healer and a empath, the […]

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