
Tagged: selfhealing

How Reflexology Relieves Restless Leg Syndrome Pain

June 25th, 2019 | selfhealing

 A Personal Account – By  Erin Kenneally When I say I get a kick out of life, I really mean it. I have had restless leg syndrome (RLS) my whole life. For anyone who has this incredibly under-rated “syndrome” you know how intrusive it can be. From the uncomfortable distraction of having the “willies” running […]

Free webinar “how to Activate at our Natural #SelfHealing Powers” register https://expertise.tv/webinar/activate-your-natural-self-heal-powers/landing/5543

June 5th, 2017 | selfhealing

title=”Free webinar "how to Activate at our Natural Powers" register https://expertise.tv/webinar/activate-your-natural-self-heal-powers/landing/5543″ Questions? Contact Us [vfb id=’1′]

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