
Tagged: stomach

Stomach and Constipation Relief Meditation

May 29th, 2015 | stomach

Are you stressed, and can’t relax your nerves or stomach? We all live in such a busy time, that it’s hard for us to find time for relaxation. We have so many events that we try to fit into our days as though they were puzzle pieces trying to be jammed together. Ouch! Instead of […]

Stomach and Constipation Relief Hand Reflexology Tip

May 11th, 2015 | stomach

Thank you Cynthia for writing to us and letting us know how our Stomach and Constipation Hand Relief Reflexology has helped you. Please share the information with anyone who you think can  help you.  https://youtu.be/1eZzNw4nNE4 Did you know that the Healing Place Medfield’s video library comprises of more than 80 self-help videos on YouTube? For the Healing […]

Do You Have Low Stomach Acid?

April 15th, 2014 | stomach

From Helen Chin Lui’s book, “Digestive Health Secrets: Deactivate Sick Genes NOW!” coming out at the beginning of 2015. Did you know that one of the underlying causes of most digestive disorders is low stomach acid? Can’t break the acid reflux or heartburn cycle? Did you know that you are not supposed to take antacid for […]

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