
Tagged: thanksgiving

Supporting Holiday Grace with Your Family and Friends – Inspiration #HolidayGrace #Inspiration #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

November 23rd, 2022 | thanksgiving
food, fork, knife

I have been thinking about what supports divine grace during the holidays. What is divine grace? How do we obtain it? How do we sustain it daily when the holidays are over? Many people associate grace with religion, a gift from God (or Spirit) consisting of love, forgiveness, saving us from sin, and trusting God […]

What are the Health Benefits of Eating Turkey?

November 26th, 2019 | thanksgiving

What are the Health Benefits of Eating Turkey? Thanksgiving Turkey!Yes, I am sorry to report that the Food of the Month is not “stuffing.” Cuz who doesn’t love stuffing? However, as yummy as it is, it is definitely not a nutrient-dense, health-building food. So let’s talk turkey. Folks, protein is the building block of the […]

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