Reflexology Services at HealingPlaceMedfield.com Since 2006, Healing Place has helped 1000’s to regain their health by activating the body’s natural ability to self-heal with the ancient healing modalities, including reflexology, chakra balance, Reiki, and meditation. Are you looking for alternative ways to heal? If traditional medicine is no longer giving you answers or helping you, […]

Body Reflexology to Relieve Constipation Sara, age 13 needed help to relieve her painful constipation caused by antidepressant medication. The constipation medication wasn’t helping her any longer. She was in pain for several weeks before trying reflexology. She was desperate for help. Constipation is a common digestive problem in the US, affecting 2.5 million of […]

Here is a demonstration how to read energy with a pendulum. If you are a light worker feeling energy is a skill and a must. Everyone can feel energy, all it takes is practice. This short video is a snippet of a 5-part course series that Certified Energy Medicine Helen Chin Lui developed – How […]

Do I Have Blocked Energy? As an Energy Medicine Practitioner and a Reflexologist, the Healing Place’s clients want to understand how the energy flows in their body and if “blocked energy” has something to do with their state of physical and mental health. To answer these frequently asked questions (FAQs) I made a short video […]

Another reader who loves my book “Know Your Chakras” “ On my journey to a healthier life, this book has helped immensely. I enjoy the meditations included and the information is eye opening! Helen Chin Lui has made it easy to understand energy and how it relates to me & others around me. Worth reading […]
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