
Tagged: wellness

Video: Numbness and Neuropathy Relief – Hand Reflexology Tip

September 9th, 2020 | wellness
thumb on foot

Foot Reflexology therapy helps by improving blood circulation and by relaxing the muscles in the feet and hands to open up pinched nerve endings that can cause pain and neuropathy. 

Video: Kidney Stone Pain Relief – Hand Reflexology Tip

September 5th, 2020 | wellness
thumb holding foot

For anyone with kidney stones, know the pain associated with passing a kidney stone. It is painful!! There is something you can do from your home that can help to support kidney functions. Reflexology!

Invitation to Weekly Live Reiki Healing Meditation

August 31st, 2020 | wellness
woman in blue put hands on gray shirt

I want to invite you to my weekly Live Reiki Healing Meditation with my co-hostess Reiki Master and Meditation Faciltator Robin Bornstein.

How Your Amazing Nervous System Supports Your Positive Energy Flow

August 22nd, 2020 | wellness
purple book 3 ways to connect to your spirit guides

The human brain is composed of approximately 86 billion nerve cells known as neurons. Neurons are our body’s information messengers.

Want to Try Foot Reflexology? Reflexology Apprentice Needs Your Feet

July 19th, 2020 | wellness
woman in a red sweater

Stress Release and Relaxation – Foot Reflexology Apprentice Program I am pleased to announce that the Healing Place has recruited a Reflexology apprentice, Maureen Jennings. I have been waiting for the right person to train to come help me! I love my Reflexology clients and want to be able to help more people to de-stress […]

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