Thinking of next alternative healing to try? Tired of acupuncture needles? Reiki isn’t enough? Do you feel out of sort and nothing is calming your nerves? Try Foot Reflexology for pain relief, digestive relieve and balance your hormones naturally. Healing Place Reflexology Services Since 2006, Healing Place in Medfield, Massachusetts has given more than […]

If you can’t lose weight and constantly gaining, but your diet has stayed the same? Are you tired all of the time? Are you always looking for something sweet to eat? You might be insulin resistant because your pancreas can no longer produce enough hormones to support digestion. Try Foot Reflexology to support your pancreas […]

How often do you feel out of sorts? You are then easily offended, and your feelings are hurt? You can move that sluggish, blocked energy and protect your aura. Keep Your Aura Whole and Healthy We are magnetic, energy-charged beings that can detect the slightest energy changes through our nerve impulses. Stimulus signals are […]

Do you feel lost? Everyone and everything seem to be different, and you don’t fit in anymore? The shift has begun, and your energy vibration is changing. Learning to be mindful is one of the keys to helping you to vibrate with high energy. Mindfulness can create a peace of mind Research […]

Do you have constant gas and bloating? No matter what you eat, every bite hurts your digestive system. Try Hand Reflexology to relieve gas and bloating. Gas and bloating are common digestive complaints affecting many people worldwide. Approximately 30% of the general population may experience gas and bloat regularly. Gas and bloating can be caused […]

Do you constantly feel anxious and stress? Is your go-to stress and anxiety releases are destructive habits? Have you been looking for ways to calm yourself without investing a lot of time, money and energy? Try reciting mantras for reducing stress and anxiety. Mantras are sacred sounds or phrases repeated during meditation to create a […]
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