
Charka Balancing

Why so Quiet Before a #Transformation? First Step to Your #SpiritualJourney

December 12th, 2022 | Charka Balancing
peaceful lake

Everything and everyone begins to bother you! What you know is real is no longer enough. You feel overwhelmed with energy, and you are becoming super sensitive. These feelings are genuine, and you might be going through a transformation. Instead of feeling bewildered, you see things clearer and with new insights. Why so Quiet Before […]

Stress been emotionally draining? #Reflexology #SelfHelp #HealingPlaceMedfield #StressFree

July 7th, 2022 | Charka Balancing

Day-to-day activities can take a toll on us. Don’t forget to take time to recharge your energy. Need some tips on how to? Check out HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com and see how our self-care courses can help you! Time to take back your healing powers. If stress and anxiety has hi-jacked your peace of mind, NOW is time […]

Chakra Balancing and Your Aura Keeps You Healthy

March 20th, 2022 | Charka Balancing

Your Chakras are Powerful Energy Generators Not only do chakras generate and circulate energy within you, but then it radiates out of your body to fill and protect your personal energy space, the aura. An aura surrounds all living and non-living things   like   a   halo.   This subtle energy is an extension of your body’s electromagnetic […]

Keep Your Chakras Healthy with Self-Care

February 11th, 2022 | Charka Balancing
Crown Chakra

Keep Your Chakras Happy with Self Care To have happy chakras, you MUST practice self-care. It is easy to upset the delicate balance of energy flow needed for everyday living without your full self-care participation. Your chakras react to every emotion you have and constantly adjust themselves throughout the day to keep you balanced. If […]

Chakra 101 Know Your Energy – 12 part Energy Medicine Video Course

December 1st, 2021 | Charka Balancing
know your chakras

Are Your Chakras Healthy? We need healthy chakras to have a positive energy flow. If your chakras are healthy, you will be able to fight off energy crashes and energy imbalances that are the primary cause of physical illnesses and emotional pain. Chakras 101 Know Your Energy. Chakras are so Important to Your Health Chakras […]

Chakra 101 – Know Your Energy- The 9 part Course

April 7th, 2021 | Charka Balancing

Chakra 101 – Know Your Energy Everyone can activate self-healing through mindful practices. Instead of feeling consistently uplifted and happy, many people feel out of sync. Many do not understand how their energy flows nor what to do when their energy feels stagnant or blocked. All you know you aren’t feeling well or something doesn’t […]

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