

Asian Fresh Tomato Sauce

August 23rd, 2012 | Recipes

by Helen Chin Lui Prep Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 20-25 minutes Notes: Serves 4-6 This is a lovely and light sauce. It is quick to make. You can divide the sauce into two and serve the other half another day or freeze.  You can also double the recipe to keep some on hand in […]

Asian Omelet for You

August 1st, 2012 | Recipes

A sample page from the Healing Place’s new cookbook, Gluten Free -Feed Your Body and Feed Your Soul. Coming out at the end of the year. Inspiration: Peace is not a passive attitude; it is an active state. It requires having constant attention in order to live with and to respond as a peaceful being […]

Asian Omelet

July 11th, 2012 | Recipes

A sample page from the Healing Place’s new cookbook, Gluten Free and Loving it.  Coming out at the end of the year. Inspiration: Peace is not a passive attitude; it is an active state. It requires having constant attention in order to live with and to respond as a peaceful being to any upset in […]

Recipe: Couscous Chicken Salad

June 14th, 2012 | Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 5 minutes Serves: 4 This salad may be served on a bed of lettuce or served in a wrap. Taste delicious warm or chilled.

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