In an effort to save the honey bees, the Healing Place is voicing our opinion. Bees are vital to our food and planet source. One of their jobs is to pollinate flowers. Bees are dying through many means, including pesticides, mites, and other natural and manmade products. Without bees there would be no food. Did you know because there is alarming
drops in the bee population electronic bees are being produced to replace living bees? Did you know in China people are hand pollinating plants because there aren’t enough bees? This can be the beginning to the end. Would you please do your part to stop this? Sign a petition asking Home Depot and Lowe’s to Stop Selling Bee-Killing Garden Plants? Voice your opinion and share with others before it’s too late. Thank you.
Healing Place specializes in helping adults and children to find long-lasting relief from chronic pain, digestive issues and heal hormonal imbalances naturally.
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I agree Helen. I also think that people should stop using any of those pesticides from any store and start planting honey bee friendly flowers.
The #HealingPlaceMed wants not only to help people to reduce pain and discomforts, we want to help to keep you healthy. We want to increase health awareness. Thank you for your comment.
I agree Helen. I also think that people should stop using any of those pesticides from any store and start planting honey bee friendly flowers.
The #HealingPlaceMed wants not only to help people to reduce pain and discomforts, we want to help to keep you healthy. We want to increase health awareness. Thank you for your comment.
I never really thought about this, but as each year goes by, I just realized that there are fewer and fewer bumblebees roaming around the flowers.
There is definitely a decline in the bee population, and if we don’t find a way to fix this we shall see a very sharp price increase in certain produce.
I am going to make a huge effort to start planting “bee attractive” flowers this spring and summer so that they have more sustenance throughout the year!
Thank you for your support.
I never really thought about this, but as each year goes by, I just realized that there are fewer and fewer bumblebees roaming around the flowers.
There is definitely a decline in the bee population, and if we don’t find a way to fix this we shall see a very sharp price increase in certain produce.
I am going to make a huge effort to start planting “bee attractive” flowers this spring and summer so that they have more sustenance throughout the year!
Thank you for your support.