Skin issues? Bone broth! Improperly functioning thyroid? Bone broth! Digestive problems? Bone broth!

Well, enough people believe in the claim to put “broth cafes” and “broth bars” in business from New York to Seattle. So, what’s so special about something nana has been simmering in her slow cooker for years? Here are some of the reasons why people say bone broth should be served in a golden chalice:

  1. Reduce cellulite

Do we have your attention now? We thought putting this one at the top might work. Proline and collagen are responsible for making connective tissue, a lack of which creates those evil bumps and lumps. So, an increase in connective tissue will supposedly smooth away nasty cellulite.

  1. Lubricate the old hinges (a.k.a. joints)

Get moving with glucosamine and other GAGs. Studies show that amino acids may help to reduce inflammation and heal joints.

  1. Get that glow

Collagen and gelatin are two main properties believed to create healthy hair, skin, and nails.

  1. Heal yourself right down to the bone

Bones are loaded with minerals like calcium and magnesium. Consuming these minerals may help to improve the strength and condition of your own bones.

  1. Plug the leaks

Gelatin and amino acids might help to repair the intestinal lining; which is good news to anyone suffering from “leaky gut.”

  1. Beef up the ole’ immune system

May help to reduce white blood cells, which cause symptom related to cold and flu. May also help to reduce auto-immune conditions.

We’re not sure yet if it’s snake oil or not. But, the old adage about chicken soup had to come from somewhere, right? And, regardless if there is any merit to all of the health benefits, the one merit of true value is that a good stock serves as the basis for countless recipes. So, at the very least, it is one recipe that makes “magic” in the kitchen.

Here is a quick rundown on how to make your own “magic in a mug!”


  • 4 pounds of beef, pork or chicken bones (I used the bones of 3 roasted chickens from the market.)
  • 3 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar
  • A handful of your favorite herbs
  • 3 -4 thinly sliced ginger, smashed with the side of a knife to release juices.
  • A few garlic cloves (to your liking)
  • 1 small onion, chopped roughly
  • 1 celery stalk, chopped roughly
  • Salt and pepper to taste after the broth is finished simmering.

You can simmer your broth in a slow cooker for 24-48 hours or on the stove top.


  1. Brown the bones on the stove or roast under the broiler until brown and flip over (about 10 minutes)
  2. Once brown on all sides, place bones in slow cooker or 16 quart pot, and add apple cider vinegar, chopped onion, whole garlic, herbs, and celery.
  3. Cover with water and bring to boil.
  4. Once water is boiling, cover, put on low, and cook for 48 hours. (You may opt to skim foam. We didn’t and the yucky stuff disappeared toward the end.)
  5. After 48 hours, turn off and allow to cool. (You can simmer less/more time, but this seems to be the “magic” number of hours.)
  6. Strain ingredients using sieve.
  7. Freeze in small containers and/or put into fridge for future use

NOTE: We added salt to our final product. Not sure if this mitigated the magic, but it made it taste much better.


We had our broth for one week. We weren’t expecting magic, as most say you need to consume broth daily for up to two months to see any results. What we did find were lots of uses for the broth, from a tasty way to boil rice to a one-step flavoring for mashed cauliflower. The simplest way to enjoy our magic was with some poached chicken tossed in, as pictured here:

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It is definitely more of a wintery “comfort food”.  We may try it for two months come next January.

During the first 24-hours, the aroma that filled the home was drool inducing. Not sure if it was the fear of “broth smell” invading our closets that turned us off on the second day, but, it just wasn’t as heavenly.

So, there you have it; magic in a cup! We hope you try some haute broth today! Here are some pictures of our bone to broth process. They admittedly are pretty gross. But the end product was tasty.

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Bones ready for simmering!

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Browning for flavor. Looks disgusting – we know.

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This looks a little better!

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Oops! After 48 hours, back to looking gross again.

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Still not the most appetizing in appearance, but tasty with a handful of poached chicken.


Article and recipe by Haute Mamas. To find the entire article click here


If you would like to explore how reflexology can help you with your digestive health, please schedule a free consultation with the HealingPlaceMed by calling 508 359-6463.

For the Healing Place Medfield’s free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healing” click here.

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