
Tagged: constipation relief with foot reflexology

#ConstipationReliefWithFootReflexology #ConstipationPowerPuddingRecipe #SelfCare #ReflexologyNearMe

July 10th, 2023 | constipation relief with foot reflexology

Constipation is a common digestive problem affecting people of all ages. Constipation is a common digestive problem in the US, affecting 2.5 million. You can do something about constipation NOW! Get constipation relief with Foot Reflexology and make some tasty constipation power pudding to relieve constipation. About 16 out of 100 adults under 60 and over […]

#SelfCare #PainRelief #StomachAche with #FootReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #wellness

November 21st, 2022 | constipation relief with foot reflexology
feet with lines

Do you have chronic stomach aches? Do you feel you can’t go anywhere without knowing where all the bathrooms are located? Does your stomach aches prevent you from going to work and school? Are you taking prescribed medication, but it is not helping? You can release negative energy and emotions and heal with Foot Reflexology […]

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