
Tagged: diabetic

Can’t Lose Weight? Could You be #InsulinResistant! Try #FootReflexologyforDiabetes #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

March 25th, 2023 | diabetic

If you can’t lose weight and constantly gaining, but your diet has stayed the same? Are you tired all of the time? Are you always looking for something sweet to eat? You might be insulin resistant because your pancreas can no longer produce enough hormones to support digestion. Try Foot Reflexology to support your pancreas […]

Diabetic Foot Care with Reflexology Treatment

October 10th, 2019 | diabetic
hands giving reflexology treatment

Diabetic Foot Care Complications due to diabetes are the number-one cause of lower-leg amputations and account for nearly 86,000 amputations per year. Doctors estimate almost 50 percent of these amputations could have been prevented if the person had taken better care of their feet. “I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for a person […]

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