Are Your Chakras Healthy? We need healthy chakras to have a positive energy flow. If your chakras are healthy, you will be able to fight off energy crashes and energy imbalances that are the primary cause of physical illnesses and emotional pain. Chakras 101 Know Your Energy. Chakras are so Important to Your Health Chakras […]
Tagged: energy
Chakra 101 Know Your Energy – 12 part Energy Medicine Video Course
December 1st, 2021 | energyVideo Course: Give Yourself a 10 Minute Deep Relaxing and Healing Foot Reflexology
October 29th, 2021 | energyEveryone Needs Self-Care and TLC with Reflexology By learning to give yourself a 10-minute relaxing foot reflexology session, you are just doing that. You are giving yourself a needed self-care therapy. You can do this reflexology relaxation protocol without special tools other than your fingers and thumbs. You will melt away stress and while your body […]
How to read energy with a pendulum
April 6th, 2021 | energyHere is a demonstration how to read energy with a pendulum. If you are a light worker feeling energy is a skill and a must. Everyone can feel energy, all it takes is practice. This short video is a snippet of a 5-part course series that Certified Energy Medicine Helen Chin Lui developed – How […]
Foot Reflexology for Relaxation – 4 Part, Self Care Home Course
March 22nd, 2021 | energyFoot Reflexology for Relaxation – 4 Part, Self Care Home Course Scientific studies have shown that reaction to stress is one of the primary causes of disease. No one is exempt from stress. Stress affects your physical and emotional health and the way you look at things. If stress is left unchecked will wreak havoc […]
Replace Letting Go With Dusting Off Negativity
March 19th, 2021 | energyReplace Letting it Go with Dusting Off Negativity We all move through life with different expectations, experiences, and stress factors. Learning how to overcome negative thought patterns, stress, and life’s challenges are real. I believe one thing we all can agree upon is that we all have stress. Stress is relative to how well we […]
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