Healing Place’s subscriber wrote to us asking for a reflexology tip to help her mother quiet the Tinnitus Pain in her ear. Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui shows where the pain relief points are the ears, hands, and feet.
Tagged: hand reflexology
Video: Tinniutus Pain Relief with Hand, Foot, and Ear Reflexology Tips
September 7th, 2020 | hand reflexologyVideo: Kidney Stone Pain Relief – Hand Reflexology Tip
September 5th, 2020 | hand reflexologyFor anyone with kidney stones, know the pain associated with passing a kidney stone. It is painful!! There is something you can do from your home that can help to support kidney functions. Reflexology!
Video: Hormonal Balancing with Hand Reflexology
May 13th, 2020 | hand reflexologyThe Healing Place LLC offers many Reflexology Services including Hormonal Balancing with Foot, Hand, and Ear Reflexology Foot Reflexology Session – This is deep relaxing foot reflexology administered by applying thumb and finger pressure to specific points on the feet. Each specific point corresponds to an internal organ, gland, tissue, or body system. This stress-relieving therapy […]
Healing Place’s Reflexology Therapies
January 18th, 2020 | hand reflexologyHealing Place’s Reflexology Therapies Foot Reflexology Session – This deep relaxing foot reflexology administered by applying thumb and finger pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, or ears. Each particular point corresponds to an internal organ, gland, tissue, and all body structures. This stress-relieving therapy promotes the alpha state of relaxation, which in turn improves […]
Video: Allergy Relief Hand Reflexology Relief
May 28th, 2019 | hand reflexologyAllergy Relief Hand Reflexology Relief Tip Now that it is allergy season once again here are some helpful tips to keep your respiratory and sinuses clear. When looking to control allergy symptoms, there are many steps to limit your exposure to pollen. We have included some tips to help alleviate your allergy symptoms by minimizing […]
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