
Tagged: handreflexology

Video: Neuropathy and Numbness Relief – Hand Reflexology Tip

February 18th, 2020 | handreflexology

Neuropathy and Numbness Relief – Hand Reflexology Tip A reader asked me what he can do about numbness in his body due to Neuropathy. What is neuropathy? It is a disease or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves that can cause numbness of weakness, in most cases, in the hands and feet. Types of Neuropathy Neuropathy […]

Video: Dry Eye Relief Fast – Hand Reflexology Tip

October 29th, 2018 | handreflexology

Do your eyes feel dry? Try this hand reflexology tip for relief.

Favorite Hand Reflexology Map

May 22nd, 2018 | handreflexology

This is Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui’s  favorite hand reflexology map. She includes hand reflexology services in addition to foot and ear. The Healing Place specializes in helping people of all ages to address chronic digestive problems, chronic pain and balance hormones naturally. If you would like to learn how reflexology can help you, schedule […]

Constipation While on Vacation – Hand Reflexology Tip

October 2nd, 2017 | handreflexology

I am the family reflexologist, and everyone comes to me for help when there is a health problem. On this vacation, four of the six people asked for a mini reflexology session were constipated. What made it funny, all four were pharmacologists that dispense medication as a profession. With my trusty thumb and fingers, I […]

Adrenal Fatigue Relief with Hand and Foot Reflexology Tips

August 3rd, 2017 | handreflexology

Modern society is overwhelming! Between juggling our family and work we are constantly under stress. Your body is tired and is crashing. Lets talk about how to support your adrenals so that they can help you coast through difficult times.

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